Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Become The Healthiest Person You Know!

Are you ready to ROCK your world and CHANGE your life? I can honestly tell you IIN has changed mine (and the life of my family) in so many positive ways, I feel SO good and want to share this with you! Whether you're interested in taking this course to create or expand a business, or to dig deeper into what really makes you happy and healthy, why not join me on my journey! 

The course is organized and laid out so well and completely mobile. Even with my busy life I have found I look forward to making the time to listen and learn from fascinating speakers and motivators in the blooming Holistic field. 
This is so much more than FOOD--It's about how we LIVE our best, heatlhiest, happiest life and how THAT is the connection for curing many aches and pains, weight gain and the fog you may be walking in. FIND your passion, your energy, your healthiest life EVER! You will not regret going on this journey. It is worth EVERY dime and then some. PLEASE message me here if you have any questions.

See what YOU can gain personally and professionally with an Integrative Nutrition education.



Create Healthy Habits

Healthy habits are learned in the same way as unhealthy ones - - - through practice.

By creating and implementing healthy habits, you can begin to make and sustain major changes for the rest of your life.  The good news is it’s NEVER too late to make changes, even little changes like learning to slow down and relax can add quality and years to your life. Here are 6 easy suggestions to get you going:

Simple Morning Stretch:
When you rise in the morning, take a few precious moments to slowly and gently stretch out your body. Think about cats and dogs, when they wake from slumber they move and bend and stretch.  This will wake up the muscles and get blood and oxygen flowing throughout your body, better preparing you mentally and physically for the day ahead of you.

Eat a Little Less: 
Use a smaller plate, a smaller fork or spoon, even chopsticks. Prepare a simple table setting and sit down to eat. Chew slowly and take little breaks by putting your utensils down for a few seconds. Enjoy your meal and of course make it healthy. A good rule of thumb is fill your plate with 3/4‘s whole grains, fresh colorful vegetables and fruits, and the rest lean protein.

Drink Plenty of Water:
It doesn’t have to be super-expensive fancy bottled water, in fact I urge you to carry a reusable water container with you to stay hydrated, save a few bucks and do the planet a favor. Add some fresh squeezed lemon or doTerra DoTERRA ESSENTIAL OILS Lemon/grapefruit/lime oil. The citrus will help rid petrochemicals in your system, cleanse and detox. 

However you do it, you need to get your body moving on a regular basis. Incorporate some type of fitness into your day, whether it’s one longer session at your local gym, a class you can attend, a brisk walk on your lunch break, or a fitness dvd.  Take your kids to the playground and play with them, take the dog for a long walk, call a friend and meet up for a power-walk/jog.
If you live an apartment building like me, you can go up and down 2-3 flights of stairs for 20-30 minutes for a great calorie burning cardio workout. Just MOVE...it all counts and it should become one of your top habits!

Do Something for You:
Most of us tend to do, do, do for others in our lives.  We work hard, take care of the home, run errands, and do chores. Be selfish a few times a week and take a few minutes to do something you enjoy! Read a book or magazine, get a manicure or 10 minute massage, go to a movie, or call and catch up with a friend or family member. Nurturing and pampering yourself a bit is good for everyone in your life, because if your happy and feeling good, so is the rest of the gang.

This one can be difficult, yet it’s simple to do.  Taking 5-10 minutes to sit/lie still, calming your body and mind is very healing and rejuvenating. Allow yourself this gift as often as you can. Find a quiet spot, turn off the gadgets, dim the lights, put on some soothing music, light a candle, use some essential oils DoTERRA ESSENTIAL OILS and let your mind and body relax. Lie or sit comfortably, close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths in and out. You deserve a moment of serenity. 

Any of these suggestions above will ease you into healthier habits and when you create healthier habits, you create a healthier life.

Pump Up Your Power Walk!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Inexpensive Exercise Toys for Home/Travel Workout

These are my favorite must have exercise toys. Well, the mat's not really a toy but super important for home work-outs or to take with you to a yoga class.

These items are also recommended for my week long JUMPSTART PROGRAM:  7 DAY SLIM DOWN.

It's not absolutely necessary, but it is helpful in taking your workout to the next level. I have a few links to products to make it easier to purchase, or you can find any of this equipment at a Target, Sporting Store, K-mart, etc. Chances are you might even have some of these items stashed away somewhere already. (These are great pieces to have for everyday at home workouts!)

One set of 2 and 5 pound dumbbells.

One medium resistance tubing band. (It's always good to have a few extra gauges for exercising, light, medium, hard, and these are sometimes sold in sets).

Twist Board (This is an amazing little contraption to really whittle the waist, super inexpensive
and very portable).

Yoga or exercise mat.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

How to Make a Quick, Healthy Veggie Sandwich

Here’s a quick, warm veggie sandwich that’s great for lunch or a snack. My kids love these and they are so easy to prepare.
I’m listing the basic ingredients that I use, but get creative and make it personal. If you use cheese or vegan cheese, you could melt it on top under a broiler or in a toaster oven for a few minutes. 
I always have a box of veggie burgers and sprouted grain on hand in the freezer. That makes putting together one of these yummy veggie sandwiches a snap!

Ingredients: (serves one)

  • Sprouted grain, whole grain or bread of choice, toasted
  • One veggie patty cooked in skillet with oil of your choice, or heat in oven.
  • Avocado
  • Mushrooms
  • Spinach
  • (Or any other fresh, seasonal organic vegetables you have on hand.)
  • Dressing: 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard, 2 tablespoons Olive oil. Whisk all together.

I like to moisten the toast with a little olive oil. Pour on some of the dressing, build your sandwich, add a little more dressing if you like. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Serve with some fresh cut veggies on the side and enjoy!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

6 Ways To Get Your Kids (And You) Moving

When I was a kid we were usually outside all day, biking, swimming, playing games, running behind the mosquito truck as it pumped chemicals into our lungs and the air. (That’s just what you did back then, who knew?) Life has changed drastically since the 60’s and 70’s. Much of America's farmland has become parking lots while fresh foods are less available and more expensive and the creation of processed foods offer cheap, quick, easy meals. Television now dominates the “quality” time families spend together. Computers and social networking can eat up to 7 hours a day!

As awesome as technology is, our children are paying heavily (yes, a pun) for these modern conveniences. Inside passive entertainment combined with high calorie, chemical laden, fast foods are contributing to an all out epidemic. Childhood obesity in America has doubled in children and tripled in adolescents over the past 30 years.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
In 2010, more than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese.
These children also have all the risk factors that adult obesity brings:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Higher risk of cancer
  • Bone and Joint issues

They are also more likely to become obese adults with potential social and psychological problems leading to depression and low self-esteem.

Here are 6 fun ideas to get your family moving, get healthier, and create a stronger bond:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Exercise And Depression

Many studies have shown that people who exercise regularly reap the benefits of lower rates of depression and a positive boost in mood and energy.

How does exercise help with depression and anxiety?
When you exercise your brain releases feel-good endorphins that ease depression.  These endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body which help diminish the perception of pain and anxiety.  Exercise will also reduce immune system chemicals that can deepen depression. You will raise your heart rate which increases your body temperature for a calming effect. Exercise has psychological and emotional benefits, too.  It can help you gain confidence, boost self-esteem, improve sleep and getting in shape can help you feel better about your appearance!
What type of exercise is best? 
The good news is that virtual any form of exercise can help depression and anxiety.
You don’t have to go crazy and run 10 miles everyday!  Exercise includes a wide range of activities that boost your activity level to help you feel better.  Running, lifting weights, playing sports and other fitness activities that get your heart pumping can help. But so can gardening, washing your car, taking a stroll and other less intense activities. Anything that gets you off the couch and moving is exercise that can help improve your mood and reduce depression. You can start slowly by taking walks around the neighborhood (go with a friend!) Gradually, work up to exercising on most days of the week.  Try any of these moderate ways to get exercise:
  • Gardening
  • Dancing
  • Biking
  • Low-impact aerobics
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Jogging
  • Yoga

Making lifestyle changes can also help:
*Eat healthy whole foods, fruits and vegetables. Use healthy fats and limit sugar. Make sure  to get a good night's sleep. Drink plenty of water.  
*Reduce stress at home and at work. Ask for help with some of the stressful things in your life. Enlist friends or family to occasionally help take care of some of the daily chores, like housework. If your job is stressful, figure out ways to scale back some of your responsibilities.
*Stop worrying!  Exercise is a distraction that can get you away from the cycle of negative thoughts that feed anxiety and depression.
*Get social. Joining a group exercise class may be beneficial. Exercise with  a friend or partner. 
Other added health benefits:
  • Strengthens heart muscle
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Reduced Body Fat
  • Stronger bones
  • Leaner, more toned muscles
  • Increased energy
  • Look fit and healthy
  • Help reduce risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, and other types of diseases
  • Lose weight
  • Better Sex
Always check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program.
Creating a steady exercise program is a win-win situation and there is no excuse to not get started today.  Look and feel your best by incorporating fitness and healthier eating into your lifestyle while you keep depression and anxiety at bay.
Have a Healthy Day!
Laura McDonald

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

6 Tips For Successful Weight Loss Journaling

As difficult as it may be to write down what you put in your mouth and how it makes you feel, study after study has shown a direct correlation to journaling and weight loss. Why? A journal holds you accountable, promotes awareness, understanding, even forgiveness. Journaling also forces you to be mindful of your dietary decisions, track your exercise and tune into what emotional triggers may be lurking.
The good news is your journal isn’t going to judge you. This is a friend who is always available, listening attentively to everything you have to say, and doesn’t give you any lip.

Jot it Down And Lose Pounds

Journaling is a tool I use successfully with many of my clients. They know themselves better than anyone else, what they feel, think, crave and fear. After just a few days and certainly a few weeks of journaling you will start to connect some serious dots.
You can achieve even greater success with your food journal if you include and embrace your emotions. By recognizing certain patterns, you are able to zero in and make specific, positive, healthy changes. 

All you need is a little inexpensive notebook and pen, or you can use the notes section in your phone. 

Here are 6 things to consider when keeping track in your journal:

Keep it simple.
Don’t get hung up on measurements or calories. You know 2 donuts for breakfast are a no-no. (double duh!) Jot down what you eat, when you ate it, and how you felt at the time.

Whether it’s a crappy day at work, a feud with a friend or financial issues, jotting down what’s bothering you can help get it off your mind. You’ll also see the connection and role stress plays in unhealthy food choices and be able to move toward more positive, healthier decisions.

Write down your goals and create a simple plan to achieve it. Look ahead at your weekly schedule and make appointments with yourself to fit in exercise. Keep track in your journal. Note the progress you make towards your goal, and how you feel after you exercise.

Face your worst craving nightmares and write them down! Taking a peek on paper at what you’re obsessed about eating is an eye-opener. We all know it’s hard to resist cravings. Give yourself credit when you stick to your plan and dodge a bullet.

Buddy Up.
Why do it alone when you can do it with a friend? Find one or more friends on a similar path and help keep each other accountable. The camaraderie is a boost and you’ll help each other stick to the plan. Create a group on Facebook. This is an easy way to stay in touch, motivate and encourage each other. Share ideas, tips, feelings and milestones. Groups create a collective energy that will help fuel your success.

Use your journal to recognize and track your progress. After a few weeks you should be more connected to what you’re thinking and feeling and how it affects your food-making decisions. By tuning into your patterns you’ll be more aware of what’s working for you. Most importantly, love yourself. Embrace the positive changes you’re making. Give yourself props for keeping a journal and remember, you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Easy Tofu Scramble

Easy Tofu Scramble:

Make this your own by adding any veggies you like. This is my basic go-to recipe.

Ingredients (serves two)

1/2 onion, diced
1 clove minced garlic or 1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 green, red or yellow bell pepper, diced
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
1 block tofu, drained and pressed
2 tbsp oil 
1 tbsp Tamara (soy sauce-optional)
2 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)
1/2 tsp turmeric (optional)

Slice the tofu into one inch cubes. Using either your hands or a fork, crumble it slightly.

Sautee onion, garlic, pepper and crumbled tofu in oil for 3-5 minutes, stirring often. Add remaining ingredients, reduce heat to medium and allow to cook 5-7 more minutes, stirring frequently and adding more oil if needed.
For a Mexican twist: 
Wrap in a warmed tortilla with a bit of salsa for a breakfast burrito and top with soy or dairy cheese.

Appox 24 grams protein.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Get Focused, Get A Plan, Let it Happen

Sometimes we just want it too much. If losing weight is the most important thing to you and all you can think about...care less.  Of course eating health, organic, clean foods, exercising and developing your inner life are truly important, but becoming obsessed with what you weigh, what you need to lose, what you look like, can be a dangerous thing.  It’s a no brainer that you want to work towards your goals of being healthier, trimmer, fitter, happier, but usually the more we focus and obsess on something the bigger the problem becomes.
Believe me, I know it's not easy finding that healthy balance of wanting and desiring something, versus becoming a stalker of your own obsessions.
If you want something too desperately, a relationship, a dream job, squeezing into your favorite jeans, or the winning lottery ticket you might find that this desperation can actually keep the very thing you want, the very thing you desire, out of reach. 

A little of my story:

I had about 50 pounds to lose after each one of my 3 pregnancies. It was overwhelming, taking care of a newborn, a toddler, a home, a dog, and then getting back into the working world. I knew I wanted to lose the weight and I wanted to lose it NOW, but I also was aware that it took me 9 months to gain that weight, and to take it off properly I had to be patient. I developed my plan, started exercising, then relaxed and let it happen. Yes, I was focused, but I had no choice but to live each day in the moment. I didn’t have time to get crazy obsessed. Don’t get me wrong, I kept my eye on the prize, but I didn’t beat myself up or throw in the towel if I wasn’t losing the weight as quickly as I would have liked. And guess what? It happened!  I was steadily dropping the extra pounds, eating better, feeling better and living my life.
One of the best ways to care less about something, is to care more about something else.  Find a new interest or hobby (or resurrect an old one.)  Go out and try something different, put yourself in a new circumstance, get the focus off of your body.
Also, when you’re busy with something you enjoy, you’re less likely to be worrying about what you should and shouldn’t be eating.
Take a class, pottery, writing, belly dancing, etc. Go to a local production of a play, a museum, get together with friends and go for a hike. Get out of your head and gain some knowledge on a new subject. I love people who have many interests - they're inspiring to be around, and that’s because what they have to offer comes from within.

Shift your focus, take a deep breath and care less about what you should look like- work realistically and patiently at eating better, greener, healthier foods, drinking plenty of water, stay away from sugar and processed foods and get moving. Let it happen, be in the moment and it will all fall into place.

Monday, September 2, 2013

10 Simple And Free Ways To Make More Of Your Day

If your life is anything like mine, you're crazy busy. Stress and anxiety have a way of paralyzing us. Sometimes taking a few moments to enjoy your day, doing something for YOU can actually help you be more productive in the long run. So go ahead, take a little time for you. Here are 10 simple and free ways you can make more out of your day and show yourself  (and others) a little love.

  1. Spend a few moments of quiet gratitude in the morning before you plug into your day
  2. Turn off the gadgets and curl up with a good book
  3. Smile at the lady down the street that always has a frown 
  4. Do something physical
  5. Look up and absorb the brilliant colors in the sky
  6. Lie on the ground, close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you
  7. Eat clean and drink plenty of herbal teas and water
  8. Call someone you’ve been meaning to see and make that date to get together
  9. Write a love note to yourself or your partner
  10. Light a candle and pamper yourself while you relax in a long hot bath 
There is only one today. Make the most of it and take care of you.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Make It Happen Workout


This is one of my simple, go to workouts. That's not to say it isn't intense, but it's very doable and you don't need a gym or any special equipment. I've designed it to be quick, effective and target all the major muscle groups with an added core-blaster. As always, check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise routine, drink plenty of water, take time to warm-up and stretch, take breaks if you need them and stop if you're experiencing any pain or dizziness.

Warm-up/Stretch for about 5 minutes (jog in place, walk, skip rope, etc.)

Complete a MINIMUM of 30 minutes cardio activity. (Biking, jogging, kick-boxing, power-walking, etc.) Put in one minute cardio interval "bursts"---this is how you up the intensity and push yourself harder. Do this every 4-5 minutes to really burn some serious calories and get your heart rate up.

500 Crunches ---- Yes, this sounds daunting but if you break it up into sections of 100 at a time it'll go by in a flash. Change 'em up---traditional, full sit-ups, leg drops, etc.

6 Yinyasas ---- Do this six times in a row, great for upper body, core and your mind! 
a) begin in down dog b) flow through to plank c) lower to chatarunga d) flow through to up dog e) return to down dog. Make sure you inhale and exhale through the moves, and don't rush it!

30 Squats

30 Triceps Dips

30 Alternating Lunges

Take a break, stretch, drink some more water. I'd love to know how you feel after your workout today, what was the hardest part? The best part? Your feedback is important to me! Thanks for taking the time to check out my site.

Healthy Best, Laura McDonald

Monday, July 15, 2013

Arianna Huffington New Release: THRIVE!

I had the extreme pleasure of hearing Arianna Huffington speak today at an event in NYC. She is so warm, funny, articulate and passionate and I'm incredibly excited about the release of her latest book: 

Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Shop the Produce Section First


One reason some people are overweight is because they might not be eating
enough produce. I hear many clients say, "I'm not eating that much...my
portions aren't huge." But then as we dig a little deeper, sometimes using a
food diary, I see they aren’t eating very many servings of fresh produce
during the day. Of course you know how vital and important it is to eat
fruits and vegetables!

They come is so many beautiful colors because Mother Nature wanted to get
our attention...EAT ME! Each color contains different nutrients and provides
you with a wide array of healthy benefits.
Not only are they low in calories but also full of vitamins, minerals, which
phytochemicals researchers say "help protect us against cancer and other

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

5 Fun (and productive) Ways to Burn 200 Calories!

Massage Your Partner
Set the mood, grab some oils (even olive oil will do) and get to work massaging your partner.  You’ll burn calories, create a deeper bond, and you never know what other calorie inducing activity may occur!

Here's my Sex & Exercise book on Kindle: Exercise & Sex

Get Into Your Garden
Gardening is great exercise, burning calories, strengthening and stretching muscles, and it’s great for your brain, too! Weed, hoe, plant, rake, it all adds up to exercise and a more beautiful patch of nature.

Spring Clean
Get the grime off those dirty windows and let the sun shine in! Move the sofa and other heavy furniture and dust underneath. Get outside and wash the car, clean the patio, scrub the deck! Heavy cleaning burns upwards of 200 calories in just 45 minutes!

Turn the Tube Off and Turn the Music On
Shut down the gadgets and fire up your favorite dance songs. Get moving, dance a jig, cut the rug, and burn tons of calories, release stress, and have some fun! The whole family can join in on this one.

Head to the Park with the Kids or Friends
Pack a nice, light lunch, some healthy drinks, a blanket, a football, bad mitten gear, or a frisbee! Run, move, play, have fun while you burn calories in the fresh outdoors. 30 to 45 minutes can burn at least 200 calories!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Fire Up Your Metabolism And Lose WEIGHT

Finally---A program that is in alignment with my own experience about HOW to lose weight and keep it off.
If you're ready to get off the diet treadmill, LOSE WEIGHT, feel and look better, this is the answer for you! Combine with some of my amazing workouts and change your life.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Integrity and Disasters

"Which do you value more --
  your wealth or your wellness?
  Which is more harmful --
   to lead or to lose?

 The greater your attachment,
  the more bereft is your release.
  The more you hoard,
  the less is left to enjoy.

  Those on the path
  to the Great Integrity
  flow without forcing,
  leaving no space for disasters."

I came across this verse in the TAO TE CHING.  I admit I know very little about the TAO but every once in a while I pick up this little book full of sage nuggets, and something really touches me on a visceral level. How much and WHY are we so connected to our materialistic "things?"  Our idea of WHO we should be as opposed to WHO we really are? And why are we always searching to gain our identity through what we own, what we possess?  Why do we spend so much time "forcing" things and ideas?  I'm just as guilty of this as the next person. But with awareness comes the possibility of change.

A new year has begun and with it new hopes and dreams. There are so many things we'd like to change about ourselves, maybe our weight, exercising more, taking charge of our finances, the list goes on and on. And of course these are all admirable, desirable and important goals.
What I'm working on myself this year is acceptance. Acceptance of myself and my faults, acceptance of those loved ones in my life who don't always seem to do what I want them to do, acceptance of even the more simple things, the laundry and dishes piling up and not getting around to making up the bed. Big deal.
I've always been a bit of a perfectionist in certain areas, things like a crooked picture frame hanging on the wall can be cause for great distraction (until I'm able to adjust it just so.)
I'd like to create a path towards a greater integrity within myself, within the world. It is there, it is there within all of us, it is part of the universe.

Let's us all strive to flow more, to be in the moment, to accept and love without judgement.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

My FAVE doTerra Oils

Hello Everyone!

By now most of you all know how much I love my doTerra oils.

These are the purest oils I've ever come across and the hippie girl in me has been into oils for decades!
There are oils you can cook with (I LOVE the cilantro and black pepper)-- take internally-- which are anti-aging, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and help boost the immune system,
amazing skincare/haircare products---so many wonderful products and all top quality.

Here's a quick reminder of some of my favorite oils:

These oils are all "singles" and that's where you'll find them on the site.

Lavender--Calming and relaxing, great for insomnia/stress.

Grapefruit, Lemon, & Wild Orange--Citrus oils that are energizing and help detox and aid in weight loss. I put a few drops of any of these oils in my water every day. The citrus helps rid our bodies of petro-chemicals and other toxins.

Peppermint--Super energizing, clean and lovely when mixed with the Wild Orange. Great for opening up the sinuses and cooling on the skin.

These are my favorite oil "Blends"--doTerra has created these blends and they're incredible. They can be found in the "oil blends" section.

Serenity--This contains lavender, vanilla, etc. and is one of my most favorites. I diffuse it in the evening, use it in the bath and on my pulse points at night. EXCELLENT for insomnia and relaxation. The scent is so calming, it is serenity in a bottle.

Balance--A grounding blend that is calming. Such a beautiful scent, like being in a rainforest. I love diffusing this oil as well and in the bath.

Citrus Bliss--An invigorating citrus blend, every time I smell it I think of orange push-ups and feel like a kid ready to hop on my bike!  Also excellent to diffuse, in the bath and delicious in water.

Solace--A roll-on that smells mind-blowing and is formulated especially for women and hormonal balance.

In-Tune --- A roll on that is a little earthier and helps you focus. I'm addicted to this one!

I could go on and on but go on the site and check them out for yourself.


Also, as a reminder, it's super easy to join as a member and well worth it even if you only buy a few oils every few months because you will purchase WHOLESALE!  
It is only $35.00 to join, there are NO strings attached. I have done my due-diligence with this company and it is top-notch. I joined almost one year ago and have had nothing but a positive experience. For the $35.00 you will receive your OWN web-site (like mine) and you can do whatever you want with it--(you don't have to do anything--If all you do is buy wholesale it's well worth it.)  Or, you can simply go on my site and buy retail.

This is no stress and no worries, I am only sharing this because I am very passionate about these essential oils, I have experienced positive effects and changes in my life since using them as well as members of my family. 

Here's the link to my on-line store:

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about how the business end works don't hesitate to contact me!

And here's a link to my favorite diffuser. This little thing is so cute and works great. I have used it almost everyday since I got it last August. It's the best and the way it lights up and changes colors is so cool---great for bedrooms, kid's bedroom:  http://yourbetterbodyforlife.com

Be happy and stay healthy!

Laura McDonald