One reason some people are overweight is because they might not be eating
enough produce. I hear many clients say, "I'm not eating that
portions aren't huge." But then as we dig a little deeper, sometimes using a
food diary, I see they aren’t eating very many servings of fresh produce
during the day. Of course you know how vital and important it is to eat
fruits and vegetables!
They come is so many beautiful colors because Mother Nature wanted to get
our attention...EAT ME! Each color contains different nutrients and provides
you with a wide array of healthy benefits.
Not only are they low in calories but also full of vitamins, minerals, which
phytochemicals researchers say "help protect us against cancer and other
Fiber and water in fruits and veggies helps aid digestion and makes
you feel full. You'll look and feel better when you eat fresh fruit and vegetables - -and you can always juice for a healthy drink. (Much better than bottled or canned,
which can contain added sugar/high fructose or sodium.)
you feel full. You'll look and feel better when you eat fresh fruit and vegetables - -and you can always juice for a healthy drink. (Much better than bottled or canned,
which can contain added sugar/high fructose or sodium.)
The fresher you eat...the less compatible the junk food becomes...steamed
veggies/salad/fresh berries and frosted donuts? NOT!
I don't expect anyone, (myself included) to never, ever have a decadent
treat....just keep it to a minimum and focus- - - shift you're overall mindset
to include several servings of fresh produce everyday.
*Make sure you're not hungry when you go grocery shopping...hit the
produce section first and try to buy local.
*Head for proteins, whole grains/brown rice, staples, etc., next.
*Pick up a bar of Dark least 70% cocoa and have a little piece
when you're craving something sweet.
*Fill your lunch and dinner plate with lots of colorful vegetables/fruit and
keep the protein to about the size of your palm and the carb portion small
(and whole grain- brown rice, wheat pasta, whole grain bread, etc.)
*Use olive oil instead of butter on your bread
*Drink lots of water
*Aim to do aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, biking, etc.) at least 45 minutes
4-5 days a week and strength/resistance training several times a week.
Be Your Healthy Best,
This is great advice and I have been doing this recently myself. More produce and less junk!