I recently got a Facebook message from a friend in LA who has her two kids home for the summer. She desperately needed some ideas for a home workout since it’s almost impossible for her to get to the gym. Having kids myself I know this scenario all too well.
The goal here is to fit in a vigorous, break a sweat session in a short amount of time, incorporating high intensity exercises that work the whole body and engage multiple muscles groups while moving quickly to the next exercise. It’s efficient, challenging and can help improve the body’s energy systems. You’ll also continue to burn calories long after the workout because you’ve seriously stoked your metabolism.
NOTE: Always make sure to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine, stay hydrated, rest when needed, and listen to your body. It’s important to make sure you are fully warmed-up and take a few minutes to cool down and stretch.
Perform each exercise for 30 to 60 seconds while maintaining good form (appx. 30 seconds beginner, 45- intermediate, 60-advanced.) Rest as little as possible until you complete one full cycle. (8-12 minutes.)
If you only have time for one round, awesome! Or take a short break (about 2 minutes) then repeat full cycle two or three more times. Perform several days a week on non-consecutive days.
The Workout:
- Jump rope, jumping jacks or running/jogging in place
- Burpees: Standing, lean over and place both hands on the floor in front of your feet. Lightly hop legs back landing on toes in a plank-style position, hop feet back up to hands then stand up (or jump up and raise arms overhead for more intensity.) Modified: Step back one leg at a time, forward one leg at a time.
- Squats
- Push-Ups: Military style on toes, or modified on knees.
- Toe-Touch Sit Ups: Lie face up on floor, legs extended, arms over head or across chest. Roll up aiming to touch toes, roll back down (bend knees slightly if needed.) Modified: Anchor feet under a sofa or bed, or do regular crunches.
- Split Lunges: Assume stationary lunge position, explode by jumping and switching legs. Modified: Alternating lunges.
- Triceps Dips: Sit on the edge of a bench, coffee table, sturdy chair or step. Place hands palm down, close to your sides, fingertips pointed forward. Dip down and up keeping chest lifted and shoulders down.
- Leg Drops: On back, place hands palm down under butt and extend legs up in the air, slowly lower legs as close to the ground as possible, keeping spine pressed into the floor, engaging core. Slightly bend knees if needed. Modified: Alternate one leg down at a time.
- Tuck Jumps: Standing, squat down a bit and jump up, tucking knees up towards your chest as you slap your thighs. Land lightly back on floor. Modified: Regular squats with an overhead press at the top of the move.
- Plank to Downward Dog: From down dog draw the torso forward until shoulders are over the wrist creating a straight line with the whole body, similar to a push-up position. * Don’t let your back sag and press back through heels. Keep your neck in alignment with spine. Move back and forth between down dog and plank. Advanced: Alternate lifting one leg at a time while in plank. Modified: Hold forearm plank.
- Bridge: Lie on back, knees bent with feet flat on the floor close to your butt, knees and feet hip distance apart, arms along side of body, palms down. Relax neck and shoulders as you inhale and slowly lift hips off floor as high as you comfortably can. Hold for a few seconds then uncurl spine bone by bone back to floor.
This routine is cool for girls and guys and can be done at home, the office, the backyard or the beach. Drink plenty of water, take some time to meditate, enjoy the season’s fresh organic produce and you’re all set for a fit and healthy summer wherever you are!
Have an AWESOME day!
It's so hot I can break a sweat going from my house to my car.