Sunday, May 13, 2012

20 Minute TOTAL Workout

This routine is broken into “one minute” segments you can do anywhere.
All you need is a watch/timer, water. Pace yourself and keep good form. Perform each exercise for a minute, stay hydrated and take short breaks/stretch if/when needed. Add on extra 10-30 minutes 
cardio of your choice for extra calorie burn.

  1. Jog in place 
  2. “Pretend” jump rope 
  3. Jumping Jacks
  4. STRETCH (take your time, stretch out your muscles, this should feel good.)
  5. Push-ups (military or on knees)
  6. Abs (any style you like, just engage abs and breathe)
  7. Squats
  8. Triceps dips (edge of coffee table, chair, bench)
  9. Run in place/jog/high knees
  10. Alternating Lunges
  11. Jumping Jacks
  12. Push-ups
  13. Abs
  14. Squats
  15. Triceps dips
  16. Run/jog/high knees
  17. Alternating Lunges
  18. Jumping Jacks
  19. “Pretend” Jump Rope
  20. Cool down/stretch

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