It's Tuesday, September 11, 2012. The sky is clear, blue, beautiful. There's a little crispness in the air, eerily similar to 11 years ago.
"Such a strange feeling to this day in New York City, everywhere in the world, I'm sure. You know how certain days have certain feelings, your birthday? Thanksgiving? Halloween (love Halloween!) Today just has this sad, uncomfortable feeling--
The other night at yoga the instructor really had us focus on breathing into our heart center and filling it with love, breathing in and out love, love for ourselves, love for our neighbors, love to heal the harshness and pain that we all feel at times. Today, more than any other day of the year I can think of, breath love."---Laura FB
I know you remember where you were that day, what you were doing.
"11th anniversary of 9/11 tomorrow. I'll never forget that day, so surreal. It was the most gorgeous day in NYC...absolutely perfect blue skies, the air was fresh. I was in Riverside Park with a friend working out and we couldn't stop talking about how perfect the day was....then we heard sirens, more sirens, everywhere, rushing down the West Side Hwy. Helicopters filled the sky, we knew something
was wrong, but never in a million years could have even the slightest idea of the tragedy unfolding. I tried to call my husband from my cell phone but there was no service, my friend had no service, we decided we better get out of there, even though we didn't know why. Sirens and helicopters everywhere. I was only a few blocks from home so a I ran the whole way. It was eerie as the streets were empty expect for firetrucks, police, ambulances...I went into my building, no one in sight, went up the elevator and burst into my front door. My husband was just standing in front of the TV, staring at it. "You don't know, do you?" he said. "Know what? What is going on?"---I knew it was bad, really bad, but I was not prepared for what I would see as I turned my eyes towards the TV, just in time to see the 2nd tower fall.
God Bless everyone touched by this tragedy.
God Bless everyone touched by this tragedy.
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A flag for every firefighter lost. |
My flag picture is from the 10th Anniversary at the Fireman's Memorial. Tomorrow they will be back, and I will be there." ----Laura FB 9/10
I did go back today, I was there for the national anthem and an observed moment of silence.
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Firemen paying Tribute |

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