Friday, February 10, 2012


Visualize----by Laura McDonald
“Everyone visualizes whether he knows it or not.  Visualizing is the great secret of success” - - - Genevieve Behrend (1881-1960)
Your thoughts and feelings are enormously powerful.  Your thoughts can run wild, provoke despair and anxiety, consume you and temporarily cripple you emotionally.  But, the powerful flip side is that you can become master of your thoughts - - -by seeing yourself with what you want, what you need, and how you want to look.
When you are visualizing, you are emitting powerful frequencies. You are transmitting a strong signal to yourself and the Universe, which will come back to you, just as you see it in your mind.
This powerful force of thought will help you set yourself up for success, attracting what you need in your life to achieve your goals, and help you stay away from the negative entities that hold you back.
Try to actively banish the ugly, negative thoughts that pop into your head, and replace them with positive images and affirmations.  Stop comparing yourself to others! 
Take some slow deep breaths and visualize your healthy heart beating, oxygen flowing through your entire body and cleansing you of negative energy. Visualize yourself eating good, clean, nutritious food, exercising, taking care of your spiritual and mental needs.  Focus on you with energy, toned and trim, less pain and stress, happier and calmer.  Allow yourself to feel joyful at this new way of thinking.
When you visualize, you will materialize...
It’s the thoughts, feelings and visualization that helps creates the positive outcome- - -by seeing, feeling and believing what you want
Think happy and healthy, BE happy and healthy.
Have a beautiful day,
Laura McDonald

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