Sunday, May 20, 2012

"The Charisma Myth"

Most of us think you have to be "born" with Charisma, Not true! Marilyn Monroe could turn it off and on, and you can learn how to Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism--
Expert Oliva Fox Cabane takes you through step by step. I'm reading this now and already feel a boost and how to be more "present" in everyday life.


"The Charisma Myth"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lovely Lavender

I absolutely LOVE lavender oil. I’m a lavender junkie! I sprinkle it on my pillow and my pulse points every evening, and I never travel without it. With it’s unmistakable aroma and therapeutic properties, Lavender is perhaps the most popular of the essential oils with the ability to calm your mind, soothe your skin and aid in digestion.

Brief History:

Lavender oils can be traced back to over 2500 years ago.  Lavender was first found by the Ancient Greeks and the Egyptians.  In Ancient times, Egyptians used lavender oil in their mummification process.  They also made perfumes from lavender.  It’s believed Cleopatra seduced her boys Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony while wearing intoxicating lavender perfume.  The Romans used lavender oil in their hair, bodies, and the public baths.  Lavender oil was widely used as a precious disinfectant on wounds.

How Does Lavender Grow?

A romantic flower, Lavender is an herb that practically every gardener wants to grow. All lavenders are perennials, but they can be short-lived if they have to endure a harsh winter. They can last up to 5-7 years. Lavender plants will tolerate many growing conditions, but thrive in warm, well-drained soil and full sun. They also do well in pots and add a lovely fragrance to your garden or home. Lavender is a tough plant and is extremely drought resistant, once established.

Lavender Lover's Handbook
Great Ideas for Lavender!

The Many Uses of Lavender:

  • Apply to the bottom of feet or on a pillow before sleeping. (Our feet have the largest pores on the body and easily absorb the oil.) 
  • Use with bath salts, or just sprinkle a few drops in the water for a relaxing spa experience. 
  • Use to calm reaction to a bee sting or bug bite. 
  • Apply to pulse points or inhale when traveling to calm and ease motion upset. 
  • Lightly apply to soothe sunburned or scalded skin. 
  • Put a few drops into a spritzer bottle filled with water and use as an aromatic room freshener, or spray on bedding or clothes. 
  • Calm sensitive skin and soothe pores after hair removal. 
  • Use to clam and soothe diaper rash. 
  • Apply to dry, chapped lips before applying lip balm. 
  • Use with peppermint oil for a healthy scalp massage.
  • Add to lotion or oil for a relaxing, aromatic massage. 

For the best in Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils as well as other amazing natural products,

LauraMcDonaldHealth-doTerra Products

Sunday, May 13, 2012

20 Minute TOTAL Workout

This routine is broken into “one minute” segments you can do anywhere.
All you need is a watch/timer, water. Pace yourself and keep good form. Perform each exercise for a minute, stay hydrated and take short breaks/stretch if/when needed. Add on extra 10-30 minutes 
cardio of your choice for extra calorie burn.

  1. Jog in place 
  2. “Pretend” jump rope 
  3. Jumping Jacks
  4. STRETCH (take your time, stretch out your muscles, this should feel good.)
  5. Push-ups (military or on knees)
  6. Abs (any style you like, just engage abs and breathe)
  7. Squats
  8. Triceps dips (edge of coffee table, chair, bench)
  9. Run in place/jog/high knees
  10. Alternating Lunges
  11. Jumping Jacks
  12. Push-ups
  13. Abs
  14. Squats
  15. Triceps dips
  16. Run/jog/high knees
  17. Alternating Lunges
  18. Jumping Jacks
  19. “Pretend” Jump Rope
  20. Cool down/stretch

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Anywhere Workout

It’s not about WHERE you work out, but HOW you work out.
Good for you if you belong to a fancy gym, a decent gym, or have some dusty weights under your bed.  But, whatever you have or don’t have doesn’t really matter, what matters is that you get off your butt and MOVE.
This routine is simple, kicks-ass, burns calories, strengthens major muscles groups and will pump up endorphins so you’ll feel energized all day. You’ll also boost your metabolism so your inner fire will be cooking that body fat as fuel for 24 hours!
Don’t be a wuss--sweating, grunting and groaning are allowed!
Make sure you hydrate, and always check with your doctor before beginning any new routine.
Note:   No fancy workout wear required--whatever is comfortable. A clock or timer is helpful, otherwise you can count one potato, two potato up to 60.)
Important:  Good sneakers and a supportive sports bra (or jock thingy if you’re a dude.)
This workout should take about 30-40 minutes total. You can adjust duration by how many times you repeat sequences. If you don’t have much time, blast through it once and do another round later on.
WARM-UP FOR 5-10 Minutes:  (walk, power walk, march in place, skip, jog, shadow box, jump rope, bike, etc.)
STRETCH:  Take a few moments to stretch out your muscles. This should feel good after your warm-up.
Aim to repeat both Strength and Cardio sections at least 3 times for maximum butt-kicking benefits.

15 Push-ups:   (Military style on toes, easier style on knees, or use the back of a bench, sofa, kitchen counter, etc.--keep your hips down and keep your core tight.)

15 Squats:    (Nice and slow up and down, engage your glutes, keep your head up and chest lifted.)

1 Minute Forearm Plank:  (On forearms, elbows under shoulders, on toes, body in one long straight line, suck in those abs and breath.)

20 Triceps Dips:  (On the edge of a bench, coffee table, side of the tub, etc.)

20 Walking Lunges:  (If you don’t have the space, 20 stationary lunges each leg.)

100 Crunches:  (Get creative, challenge yourself, tighten those abs!)

1 Minute Wall Sit:  (Back against a wall, slide down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, knees over your ankles...hold it and breath.)

***6 One Minute Cardio Intervals:  (Go for performing these intervals back to back---don’t even stop the clock unless you really need a quick break.)
1st Minute:  Jumping Jacks (Modify if needed by jacking one leg to the side, then the other.)

2nd Minute:  Shadow Jabs (Stand with knees soft, hips tucked in and alternate punches across your body, make sure you don’t snap out your elbow. Think Ali!)

3rd Minute:   Alternating Front Kicks (Just like it sounds, right leg kick forward, left leg kick forward, don’t snap out the knees, keep your core tight and kick like a Rockette!)

4th Minute:  Hoops (Pretend you're on the court, reach behind you to take the ball, run up a few steps, jump and dunk your ball, alternate grabbing the ball from the other side from time to time.)

5th Minute:  Axe Chops  (Grab your “AXE”, raise it over your head and chop that piece of wood towards the outside of your right ankle, then raise it up again and chop to the left. Engage your core as you chop up and down.)

6th Minute:   180 degree Hop Squat  (Soften knees, squat down a bit then hop to the right 180 degrees landing in a soft squat, hop back to start, do this 30 seconds to the right, then 30 seconds to the left. Keep those knees soft, land light, keep your head up and chest lifted.)

Repeat the above Strength and Cardio Intervals 2 more times for a great workout!
Remember to always take a break if you need it and stop if you’re experiencing any pain. LISTEN to your body. Learn to know when you’re pushing yourself or need to slow down. Stay hydrated and have fun!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Central Park Workout

Central Park Workout

Looking for a quick, effective total body workout today? Here it is!
       Warm-Up/Stretch 5-10 minutes
  1.   30 Jacks
  2.   15 Push-Ups
  3.   30 High Knees
  4.   15 Squats
  5.   20 Alternate Kick-Backs/Donkey Kicks
  6.   15 Triceps Dips
  7.   15 Lunges Each Leg
  8.   20 Biceps With Bands/Weights
  9.   1 Minute Wall Sit/Squat Hold
  10.   50 Crunches
  11.   1 Minute Plank
  12.   3 sets 8 Each Leg Side Wall Taps/Leg Lifts.
Cardio Burst--jog, jump rope, shadow box, etc. 2 minutes
Repeat Above Sequence 1-2 more times, ebay